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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1006 Television, cable, and radio / Willis, Edgar E Prentice Hall 1992 384 W734t
1005 An ecological perspective on human communication theory / Liska, Jo Ruth, 1948- Harcourt Brace College Publishers 1995 302.2 L769e
1004 The social semiotics of mass communication / Jensen, Klaus Sage Pubs 1995 302.23 J54s
1003 Social science as moral inquiry / Haan, Norma Columbia University Press 1983 174.93 S678
1002 Social psychology / Kinch, John W McGraw-Hill 1973 301.1 K51s
1001 Socialization and society / Social Science Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Socialization and Social Structure Little, Brown 1968 301.15 S678s
1000 The Sociology of community / Bernard, Jessie Scott, Foresman and Company 1973 301.34 B519s
999 Sociological theory / Wallace, Walter L Aldine 1969 301.01 S678
998 Approaches to international communication / Kivikuru, Ullamaija Finnish National Commission for Unesco 1986 302.2 A652
997 Approaches to communication planning / Middleton, John, 1943- Unesco 1980 380.3 A652