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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1973 吏讀集成 / Chōsen Sotokufu. Chūsūin 學問閣 1972 411.14 조53ㅇㄱ
1972 Printing Museum, Tokyo / Insatsu Hakubutsukan 印刷博物館 2003 708.0953 I59p
1971 中國史部目錄學 / Zheng, Hesheng 商务印书馆 1935 010.52 Z634z
1970 欽定四庫全書簡明目錄 二十卷 / Yüng, Jung 臺灣商務印書館 1983 082 문64상
1969 Use of reports literature / Auger, Charles P. (Charles Peter) Archon Books 1975 025.173 A919u
1968 The emergence of maps in libraries / Ristow, Walter William, 1908- Linnet Books 1980 025.176 R597e
1967 Reader on the library building / Schell, Hal B Microcard Editions Books 1975 022.3 R286
1966 Planning library training programmes / Casteleyn, Mary Deutsch 1981 020.715 C348p
1965 Information in 1985 / Anderla, Georges Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1973 507 A543i
1964 Management information retrieval / Blagden, John British Institute of Management 1969 025.524 B633m