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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
180 アメリカ經濟の構造 / Leontief, Wassily W., 1906- 東洋經濟新報社 1959 330.973 L586a2Y
179 An introduction to mathematical economics / Archibald, George Christopher Harper and Row 1976 330.182 A673i
178 Money and economic growth / Sijben, J. J Nijhoff 1977 332.41 S579m
177 Keynes and post-Keynesian economics / Gupta, R. D Kalyani Publishers 1980 330.156 G977k2
176 International monetary relations / Yeager, Leland B Harper & Row 1976 332.43 Y37i2
175 Transportation / Lieb, Robert C Reston Pub. Co 1985 380.5 L716t3
174 Elements of pure economics / Walras, Leon, 1834-1910 George Allen and Unwin 1954 339 W221eJ
173 Study guide and workbook to accompany The economics of money, banking, and financial markets / Mishkin, Frederic S Scott, Foresman 1989 332 M678ea2
172 Instructor's guide for principles of economics / Henderson, J. Vernon D.C.Heath and Co 1991 330 H496pa
171 經濟進步の理論 / Ayres, C. E 文雅堂書店 1957 330.1 A985kI