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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
4018 アメリカ知識人の思想 / Yazawa, Shūjiirō 東京大學出版會 1996 301.0973 Y35a
4017 How the saints persevere / Bouma, Gary D Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University 1984 300.72 B764h
4016 The horse and his boy / Lewis, Clive Staples, 1898-1963 Puffin Book 1954 823.9 L673h
4015 "Homo religiosus" in Mircea Eliade / Saliba, John A Brill 1976 291 S165h
4014 Homo religiosus / Towler, Robert Constable 1974 301.58 T742h
4013 American civil religion / Gehrig, Gail Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 1976 306.0973 G311a
4012 American character and foreign policy / Hamilton, Michael Pollock, 1927- W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co 1986 327.73 A5121
4011 Altruistic love / Sorokin, Pitirim A Beacon 1950 235.2 S714a
4010 All gods children / Stoner, Carroll Chilton 1977 200.9 S881a
4009 Alienation, ethnicity, and postmodernism / Geyer, R. Felix Greenwood Press 1996 302.544 A398