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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1066 Inside prime time / Gitlin, Todd Routledge 2000 384.55 G536i2
1065 An inquiry into meaning and truth / Russell, Bertrand Unwin Paperbacks 1980 121 R961i
1064 漢籍版本のてびき / Wei, Yin-ju 東方書店 1987 010.52 W415kH
1063 Structuralism / Ehrmann, Jacques Doubleday & Co 1970 149.96 S927
1062 Structural anthropology volume 2 / Levi-Strauss, Claude Penguin Books 1978 306 L666saL
1061 Television and society / Abercrombie, Nicholas Polity Press 1996 302.2345 A144t
1060 Television and society / Skornia, Harry Jay, 1910- McGraw-Hill 1965 301.243 S628t
1059 Television and its audience / Barwise, Patrick SAGE Publications 1988 384.082 B296t
1058 Television / Newcomb, Horace Oxford University Press 1979 791.45 T269o2
1057 Television's window on the world / Larson, James F Ablex Pub. Corp 1984 070.41 L334t