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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1185 3000 Jahre politische Propaganda / Sturminger, Alfred Herold 1960 303.375 S936d
1184 Raumüberwindende Mächte / Hesch M B.G.Teubner 1934 909.82 M151
1183 Die Grossmächte / Haushofer, Karl, 1869-1946 B. G. Teubner 1935 909.82 M151
1182 Vergangenheitsbewaltigung / Mohler, Armin, 1920- Seewald 1968 943.086 M698v
1181 The United States / Hofstadter, Richard, 1916-1970 Prentice-Hall 1967 973 H713u2
1180 Völker und Staaten in der neueren Geschichte / Ranke, Leopold von, 1795-1886 E. Rentsch 1945 943.03 R198v
1179 U.S. policy and the security of Asia / Greene, Fred Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by McGraw-Hill 1968 327.5 G799u
1178 Vietnam / Ruehl, Lothar Ullstein 1966 959.7 R919v
1177 Vietnam; a political history / Buttinger, Joseph Praeger 1968 959.7 B988v
1176 U.S. policy and the future of the United Nations / Coate, Roger A Twentieth Century Fund Press 1994 341.23 T999