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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
319 Introduction to the sociology of "developing societies" / Alavi, Hamza, 1921- Monthly Review Press 1982 301 A324i
318 神經大典 / Chiang, T'ing-hsi 上海古籍出版社 1991 812.31 S546
317 Developmental psychology / Gardner, Howard Little, Brown 1982 155.4 G227d2
316 Educational administration and organizational behavior / Hanson, E. Mark, 1938- Allyn and Bacon 1991 371.2 H251e3
315 Educational administration / Hoy, Wayne K Random House 1987 371.2 H867e3
314 Educational testing and measurement / Kubiszyn, Tom HarperCollins College Publishers 1993 371.26 K95e4
313 Knowing, learning, and instruction / Glaser, Robert, 1921- L. Erlbaum Associates 1989 370.15 K73
312 Conflict and consensus / Moscovici, Serge Sage Publications 1994 301.1 M896cH
311 Cross-cultural psychology / Berry, John W Cambridge University Press 1992 155.8 C951
310 Cognitive psychology / Martindale, Colin Brooks/Cole Pub. Co 1991 153 M384c