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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
579 針灸歌賦臨床應用 / Ho, P'u-jen 科學技術文獻出版社 1996 615.325 H678c
578 The morass / White, Richard Alan, 1944- Harper and Row 1984 327.728 W587m
577 Metaphysics and morality / Smart, J. J. C. (John Jamieson Carswell), 1920- B. Blackwell 1987 190 P511m
576 The nature of work / Thompson, Paul, 1935- Macmillan 1989 306.36 T475n2
575 Liberalism, ancient and modern / Strauss, Leo Cornell University Press 1989 320.51 S912l
574 Social cognition / Fiske, Susan T McGraw-Hill 1991 301.1 F542s2
573 The search for world order / Murphy, Cornelius F M. Nijhoff 1985 341.2 M978s
572 Environmental evaluation / Zube, Ervin H Brooks/Cole Pub. Co 1980 628.0973 Z93e
571 Equality in America / Verba, Sidney Harvard University Press 1985 323.42 V477e
570 Forest resource economics and policy research / Ellefson, Paul V Westview Press 1989 333.75 F716