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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
464 The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877 / Newby, I. A. (Idus A.), 1931- Appleton-Century-Crofts 1971 973.7112 N535c
463 The Civil War / Caesar, Julius Penguin Books 1967 937.05 C1281cG
462 Cities in a race with time / Lowe, Jeanne R Vintage Books 1968 711.590973 L913c
461 Chartism / Ward, J. T. (John Towers) Barnes & Noble Books 1973 322.440942 W256c
460 The economic effects of the two world wars on Britain / Milward, Alan S Macmillan 1970 330.941 M662e
459 The economic and social foundations of European civilization / Dopsch, Alfons Routledge 1937 940 D692e
458 The causes of the Industrial Revolution in England / Hartwell, R. M. (Ronald Max), 1921- Methuen 1967 942.08 H337c
457 Tour book / American Automobile Association. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island tour book American Automobile Association] 19 917.4 A512t
456 The coming of the French Revolution / Lefebvre, Georges, 1874-1959 Princeton University Press 1959 944.04 L489caP
455 The coming of the Civil War, 1837-1861 / Niven, John Harlan Davidson 1990 973.5 N734c