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서명 / 저자中英對照四書 = The four books : the great learning, the doctrine of the mean, confucian analects, and the works of Mencius / with English translation and notes by James Legge.
원서명四書 Four books
개인저자 James, Legge, 1815-1897.
발행사항臺北 : 文化圖書公司, [n.d.]
형태사항p. 429-1014 ; 25 cm.
일반사항This book is a facsimile edition. 1-429 page is missed.
청구기호181.218 Z63


번호 등록번호 소장위치 청구기호
1 1915495 열뫼문고 열 181.218 Z63