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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
3950 (グラネ)支那人の宗敎 / Granet, Marcel 滿鐵調査局藏版河出書房 1943 209.52 G756sT
3949 (改訂)朝鮮制裁法規 / Yamaguchi, Kyūichi 朝鮮圖書出版株式會社 1939 349.1 Y19c4
3948 The thanatochronology of some kings of Silla / Rogers, Michael C s.n.] 1960 951.31 R729t
3947 戰爭史 / Tanaka, Yasuo 岩波書店 0 330.953 N6912
3946 Some kings of Koryo as registered in Chinese works / Rogers, Michael s.n 1961 951.4 R728s
3945 15 years of new history [s.n.] 1980 937 H732
3944 Look at America Houghton Mifflin co 0 917.3 L863
3943 上海 玉佛禪寺 / Yüfo Shan Ssu 玉佛禪寺 0 294.52 Y94
3942 Historischer schul-atlas / Putzers, F. W Verlag von Velbagen & klafing 1923 912.1 P993h
3941 趙孟부讀書樂 / Chao, Meng-fu 文化圖書公司 1975 741.32 C461c