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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
3870 The champ / Woodley, Richard Dell Publishing Co 1979 823.9 W891c
3869 日本歷史精圖 / Teikoku Shoin 帝國書院 1929 911 T263n
3868 歷史精圖 / Teikoku Shoin Henshūbu 帝國書院 1938 911 T263r
3867 Intellectual foundations of China / Mote, Frederick W Alfred A. Knopf 1971 181.2 M917i
3866 Second book in English / Dlxon, Robert J The International Publishing Co 1953 428.2 D621d
3865 Around the world in 1,000 pictures / Runyon, A. Milton Doubleday 1954 909 A771
3864 中學社會 2 / Abe, Yoshishige 日本書籍株式會社 1963 373.2 C559
3863 裸婦 / Kobayashi, Kakuji 大日本繪畵 1981 741.2 K75r
3862 The use of life / Avebury, Lord New Life Press 1947 179 A948u
3861 朝鮮を堂堂と紹介する / Takamatsu, Kentarō 京城大阪屋號書店 1944 951.604 T136c