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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
105 Poésies choisies / Gautier, Théophile, 1811-1872 Hachette 1951 841.7 G277p
104 Poesies choisies / Vigny, Alfred de, 1797-1863 Larousse 1970 841.7 V688p
103 Poésies / Rimbaud, Arthur, 1854-1891 Livre de Poche 1963 841.8 R575pf
102 The poetry of Pope / Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Appleton century crofts 1954 821.4 P825p
101 Politics and the novel / Howe, Irving Fawcett Publications 1967 809.3 H856p
100 Black Venus / Carter, Angela, 1940- Picador 1986 823.9 C3231b
99 As you like it / Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 Routledge 1994 822.33 S527ab
98 Aux origines de la linguistique française / Bergounioux, Gabriel Pocket 1994 440.9 A943
97 Avec Kennedy / Salinger, Pierre Buchet/Chastel 1967 973.922092 S165aD
96 As is / Hoffman, William M., 1939- Vintage Books 1985 822.9 H711a