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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1511 Roland Barthes / Moriarty, Michael, 1956- Polity Press 1991 840.9 M854r
1510 Robert Frost country / Melvin, Betsy Doubleday 1977 779 M531r
1509 Multicultural states / Bennett, David, 1949- Routledge 1998 306 M961
1508 Mother night / Vonnegut, Kurt Avon 1966 823.9 V947m
1507 More words you need / Rudzka, B Macmillan Pub 1985 428.1076 M8351
1506 More of the world's best dirty jokes / Mr. J Castle Books 1972 808.87 M835
1505 More Die of Heart' Break / Bellow, Saul Si-sa-yong-o-sa 1987 823.9 B448ma
1504 More words you need / Rudzka-Ostyn, Brygida Macmillan 1987 428.1076 M835
1503 The morals of history / Todorov, Tzvetan, 1939- University of Minnesota press 1995 909 T639mW
1502 Modern technical English / 영어교재연구회 Hak Moon publishing co 1982 428 영63ㅁㄱ