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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
3250 支那學術文藝史 / Nagasawa, Kikuya 三省堂 1969 952.1 N147s
3249 東洋と西洋 / Tanikawa, Tetsuzō 岩波書店 1940 306.04 T164t
3248 Everyman's United Nations / United Nations. Office of Public Information United Nations Office of Public Information 1953 341.23 U58e4
3247 The buddha's philosophy / Allen, G. F George Allen and Unwin Ltd 1959 294.01 A425b
3246 Hindu philosophy / Bernard, Theos Philosophical Library 1947 181.4 B522h
3245 The grass roof / 강 영일 Charles Scribner's 1931 811.32 K16g
3244 東西交涉史 / Yule, Henry 帝國書院 1944 909.1 Y95tT
3243 道家の思想と其の展開 / Tsuda, Sōkichi 岩波書店 1941 181.24 T882d
3242 Buddhist faith and sudden enlightenment / Park, Sung Bae State University of New York 1983 294.04 P236b
3241 封建社會の構造分析 / Tsuchiya, Takao 勁草西方 1950 953.4 T882h