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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1009 (纂註)文章軌範評林 / Hsieh Fang-tai 修學堂書店 1908 808 H873w
1008 Enjoyment / Eichel, Charles G Houghton Mifflin 1935 808.8 E37e
1007 西洋史槪論 / Hara, Zuien 稻門堂 1923 940 H254s
1006 Europe in perspective 1815 to the present / Gillespie, James Edward Harcourt 1943 940.28 G476e
1005 新敎育事典 平凡社 1950 370.3 S556
1004 哲學槪論 / Kihira, Tadayoshi 岩波書店 1930 100 K47t2
1003 The poetical works of William Wordsworth / Wordsworth, William Ward, Lock & Co 0 828.7 W925p
1002 Great tales of youth The Syndicate Publishing 0 823 G786
1001 三國史記 / 김 부식, 1075-1151 朝鮮史學會 1928 951.3 김47ㅅㅇ
1000 Ben-Yehuda's pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English dictionary / Ben-Yehuda, Ehud Pocket Books 1947 492.43 B456