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번호 서명 / 저자 출판사 출판년도 청구기호
1335 America's revolutionary heritage / Novack, George Edward Pathfinder Press 1976 973 N935a
1334 Modern ethical theories / McGlynn, James V Bruce Pub. Co 1962 170 M145m
1333 The resume writer's handbook / Smith, Michael Holley Barnes & Noble 1980 650.14 S642r
1332 Rogues, rebels, and reformers / Gurr, Ted Robert, 1936- Sage Publications 1976 364.9 G981r
1331 Modern English reader / Gorrell, Robert M Prentice-Hall 1970 808.54 G673m
1330 Political leadership in American government / Barber, James David Little, Brown 1964 353 B234p
1329 Contemporary sociology / Barron, Milton Leon, 1918- Dodd, Mead 1964 301 B277c
1328 Comparative perspectives on social problems / Kavolis, Vytautas, 1930- Little, Brown 1969 301 C737
1327 Political philosophy and social welfare / Plant, Raymond Routledge and Kegan Paul 1980 361 P713p
1326 Hegel's political philosophy--problems and perspectives / Pelczynski, Z. A University Press 1971 320.1 H462